gratitude / growth moment 004
There is an enormous shift happening in my life again. Largely, I’ve felt dormant for the last while, working to trade my time for a paycheque and explore the very glossy world that is corporate consulting. These periods aren’t all bad— I learn constantly, I love the competition, I love the infinite depth of human talent that you find within a 22,000 person organization. But it’s not the sort of thing that sparks my creativity or makes me feel that desperate hunger to stretch days into nights working on a project.
My fatal flaw has always been that I can’t lie to myself when I look in the mirror. “Chelsey, what the hell? You’re an entrepreneur! How have you landed here?” Those are the words I’ve been living for the last couple years, and despite my best efforts to assimilate that style of working with the kind expected of you in a very established company, I eventually ran into a situation where the siren call of working on my own brand could no longer be avoided.
But the plot thickens. Or shall I say, serendipity reared it’s beautiful head and helped make the decision to launch a startup a no-brainer. The pandemic has created all sorts of unexpected outcomes and opportunities, not the least of which was the sudden availability of one of my best friends as he parted ways with a company he had helped grow to over a half a billion in size before the downturn rocked the oil & gas world. And how is this serendipitous, you might ask? His tentacles across the country and in some very interesting pockets prompted the decision to partner and build a business of our own.
More on that to come soon…
growth— staying true to myself and stepping into my own venture. I mean, enough said. This is an unprecedented time with an unbelievable amount of uncertainty. Quitting a very stable job, one which I was doing well in, is never an easy decision. But it is certainly the right decision. And finding the peace I need to recognize that this is the right decision largely has to do with a lot of work I’ve been doing on my self, my mindset. One of my favourite gurus on business, Naval has a line that goes, “the closer you are to truth, the more silent you become inside”. This couldn’t be more true right now.
gratitude— I have the world’s most supportive partner and family, without which I would never take these kinds of leaps.