Chelsey Reschke1 Comment

gratitude / growth moment 005

Chelsey Reschke1 Comment
gratitude / growth moment 005

Being surrounded by good influences that inspire you is a blessing. They can elevate you when you’re stuck, remind you that it’s the process, not the destination that matters, and they seem to minimize the voice of self doubt that floats in your mind.

gratitude— I am feeling invigorated by the new challenges I have taken on. It’s a kind of drive that I know not to take for granted. It has been ages since I felt the fire, and I’m just focused on stoking it and making sure it stays lit. Perspective is the real teacher, and I know that there has been a large space of time since I last felt this alive and ready to take on anything that comes. It makes it all the sweeter, knowing that “in-between” feeling, and allows me to fully appreciate the force that now buoys me.

growth— rather than list the insane amount of events that we’ve overcome during the last two months I’ll sum it up to just say: CAPACITY. The challenges we have overcome in all facets of the business and partnership are the evidence of work I have done to increase my overall capacity. Capacity for dealing with bad news in a graceful way, meeting unexpected events with agility, biting off more than I can chew and finding a way to ingest those commitments without choking.